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Articles about Kristin Evenson (3)

A DEIB conversation

Putting queggestions away

Leadership content and my irritability itch

The disintermediation of executive search

What Freud and Galileo had in common....

Connecting money to time

Pandemic Griefs

Get these 3 aligned in any succession plan

Narrower and Deeper: Finding your next focus after success

The Precocious Employee - Further Reflections

The Precocious Employee

The workspace....

That feedforward feedback loop

9 take aways for strategic interim time

Aiming at the Maestro-level leader target

You are all white!

Help! I have an enemy!

Growing Maestro-level Leaders

My Content Pledge

Looking back and seeing what's ahead

The 3 Levels of Relationship

Framing your reference

Reversing the collapse of community fabric

Do we really want to associate together?

Opening remarks at the FUEL conference