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Articles about succession planning

Don't pass on peer-based advising!

Global tribute to a Maestro-level leader

You, Your Team, Your Successor

Why do this work?

A herd of unicorns!

Announcing a new cohort!

Succession Planning with Talent Development

Time for less burnout!

Shared Leadership on the path to Succession Planning

Finish strong! Yeah, I know, blah, blah, blah!

Episode 74: Succession Models To Follow

Still learning? A Reflection On Succession

Episode 66: Slow Down and Keep Going

Completing the Maestro's Turn (7): Cheering from the sideline

Completing the Maestro's Turn (6): getting off the track

Completing the Maestro's Turn (3): making the baton sticky

Completing the Maestro's Turn (2): grasping the baton

Ancient wisdom and succession

Continuous Leadership Succession: 3 core principles

Future Value

Stepping away, stepping in

Get these 3 aligned in any succession plan

You are all white!

Growing Maestro-level Leaders

Episode 28: Our first year!