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April 2023


Engaged & Intentional

April’s podcasts and blog posts circle around not only the theme engagement and intentionality as Third Turn leaders, but provide an array of resources to help us translate that theme into practical results.


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New Maestro-level leader Cohort Starting!

Linda Milanowski-Westdorp2Linda Milanowski-Westdorp, our newest facilitator coming to us after more than three decades of leadership at MillerKnoll, is a gift to anyone who joins the cohort she gathers. The 4-year peer-cohort experience is designed to offer a place of camaraderie, with navigational tools, executive advising, and scheduled calendar time dedicated to the important, and often delicate, work of transitioning from the top leadership position to whatever is next in life - whether via retirement, sale of a company, or, simply time to move on. She would be delighted to hear from you via email at



Recent Podcast Episodes

Mark Baker - Episode 68Mark & Kristin - Episode 69

Listen to Episode 68

Listen to Episode 69



Noteworthy Quotes

"Oftentimes people that are achievement driven will be very empathetic of people around them. They just won't show empathy because they want to get the job done. Their growth needs to be in that domain of emotional  expression, not necessarily in terms of internal empathy."

- Mark Baker (Episode 68)  

"Often, this is another kind of entrepreneurial moment, right? Like, we know what success has looked like. And now we're looking further out to what it might look like further out, and it's a returning to an entrepreneurial moment to say, what does growth and innovation look like now?"
- Kristin Evenson (Episode 69)  



Key Themes

Engagement and Intentionality – This consistent theme weaves through:

  • Episode 68 – Getting Your Empathy One – Our guest Mark Baker, CEO and Chief Psychologist of MyGrow, not only enriches our understanding of EQ but also offers practical wisdom and strategies for growing our own and that of our teams—all backed by neuroscience.
  • Don’t Hit Your Son – As parents, community members, and organizational leaders, Mark calls us to find an engaged and intentional middle ground in the character development of others—between an overbearing approach of the past and present-day “outsourcing”.  Especially since both childhood and employment represent the bulk of our learning and life.
  • Episode 69 – Third Turn Resources – Mark and Kristin share an array of resources that can support our intentions, whether pursuing organizational opportunities like future value or the growth and development of our own selves and others.


Helpful Concepts

Practical resources for squishy but significant things – Whether your sights are set on seemingly elusive things like future value, leadership development, or emotional intelligence, Getting Your Empathy On and Third Turn Resources provide practical resources that can help us translate otherwise squishy things into things tangible and practical.



Some Inspiration

Teams with higher EQ have proven to be 20% more productive, and a resource like MyGrow can help increase emotional intelligence with as little as 15 minutes in the “EQ gym” daily.

Kristin Evenson
Kristin - Signature Final


- Kristin Evenson

Kristin Mark and Linda

Find out more about joining a Maestro-level leader cohort.

Kristin Evenson
Post by Kristin Evenson
April 18, 2023
Kristin serves as a Consultant and Coach to leaders, teams, and boards by helping them leverage their unique brand of significance in context of: - Strategic junctures--Helping leaders and teams identify what can’t change and what must; - Leadership & life challenges—Helping leaders support, sustain and strengthen their soul in leadership; - Career change & transition—Helping them think creatively and courageously about what’s next. Kristin spent 20 years with Fallon Worldwide, leading brand and communications strategy development for clients across a variety of industries—including Nordstrom, Holiday Inn Express, and Children’s Defense Fund. Her career journey since has included stints as marketing/strategy director and consultant to companies, nonprofits and ministries in the areas of strategy, culture, communications and board governance. Her teams’ work won multiple national effectiveness awards, and her consulting work resulted in a “Best Practice in People/Workplace” by Upsize Magazine. Having completed NeuroLeadership Institute’s Brain-Based Coaching Program, Kristin incorporates brain-based principles into change initiatives for organizations, teams, and individuals. She and her husband Jeff Rosell have four awesome adult sons and host an international daughter, originally from South Sudan.
