Commemorative symbols of sacrifice Pair of long-stem red roses at the base of a military memorial in Wheaton, Illinois, USA

I’ve found myself attending a string of funerals of late for people I’ve held dear…and at my age, that trend will only continue.

Funerals can certainly elicit lots of layers of thoughts and emotions. There’s nothing like a funeral to prompt a reflective look back and some fast-forward wondering: remembering this beloved person’s impact on me and wondering who might be sitting at my funeral/memorial someday, reflecting on my impact on them.

All of this yielded a related check-in question at a recent Maestro-level leader retreat: Who is someone you credit with investing in your life and leadership, and who’s life/leadership are you currently investing in?

It’s good and worthwhile to have a lens on both…and the cascading impact of our lives in the context of those before and those coming after. We stand in a long line of grandchildren’s grandchildren and pay it forward to a long line that extends into the future.

-Kristin Evenson

New Cohorts!

Maestro-level Leaders is forming two new cohorts of 6-10 accomplished executives, working at future value, succession and legacy. You can begin the journey here.

Kristin Evenson
Post by Kristin Evenson
August 7, 2023
Kristin serves as a Consultant and Coach to leaders, teams, and boards by helping them leverage their unique brand of significance in context of: - Strategic junctures--Helping leaders and teams identify what can’t change and what must; - Leadership & life challenges—Helping leaders support, sustain and strengthen their soul in leadership; - Career change & transition—Helping them think creatively and courageously about what’s next. Kristin spent 20 years with Fallon Worldwide, leading brand and communications strategy development for clients across a variety of industries—including Nordstrom, Holiday Inn Express, and Children’s Defense Fund. Her career journey since has included stints as marketing/strategy director and consultant to companies, nonprofits and ministries in the areas of strategy, culture, communications and board governance. Her teams’ work won multiple national effectiveness awards, and her consulting work resulted in a “Best Practice in People/Workplace” by Upsize Magazine. Having completed NeuroLeadership Institute’s Brain-Based Coaching Program, Kristin incorporates brain-based principles into change initiatives for organizations, teams, and individuals. She and her husband Jeff Rosell have four awesome adult sons and host an international daughter, originally from South Sudan.
