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Those Three Turns.

The Third Turn Podcast is part of the Maestro-level Leaders initiative of Design Group International. Jeanette Robért of Marketplace Chaplains co-hosts with me, and Strategically Connected's Jennifer Miller is the producer.
Episode #2 is a deeper dive into the Three Turns of the Executive Leader. We lay out the map and briefly touch on either making one of those turns a satisfying career, or, alternatively, getting stuck. I particularly enjoyed telling the story of my friend, also named Mark, who learned that his Turn One experience meant not just being technically perfect but putting that skill to use in a specific context.
In the podcast, Jeanette asked me about the space between the turns — an intriguing question that has led to some deeper digging since. A future podcast on those in-between spaces is coming!
We are also excited about Episode #3 — an upcoming interview with Kristen Evenson on executive transitions and the role the brain plays.
We welcome you sharing these episodes with others, of course, in addition to any ideas, suggestions for people we should interview, and your avid listenership.
Maestro-level Leaders provides tools for a fruitful journey for Executive Leaders in their Third Turn, as well as some travel companions. This blog, the Third Turn podcast, and a Maestro-level Leaders cohort are intended to develop this ongoing resource and to raise the vision for other leaders to aspire to a Third Turn. The next Maestro-level leader cohort launches in January 2021.
Discover more about The Third Turn Podcast:
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Mark L. Vincent
Post by Mark L. Vincent
September 15, 2020
I walk alongside leaders, listening to understand their challenges, and helping them lead healthy organizations that flourish.
