Can you tell me more?

Frequently Asked Questions

Why host this retreat at GilChrist?

We decided to host our retreat at GilChrist Retreat Center for several important reasons. First, each participant will have their own cabin. Your own dedicated space to rest, reflect, and listen. This is ideal and essential to create the space you need to bring yourself fully to this opportunity. Second, GilChrist is located on 67 acres of woods and rolling hills where its natural beauty helps us to connect at a deeper level to ourselves. Third, the retreat center itself has been created with spaces that support both group and individual work.

May I choose my own cabin?

Yes, you can choose your own cabin or we can choose one for you. If you'd like to pick your own cabin, please visit the GilChrist Retreat Center's website here. Just let Lon L. Swartzentruber know which one you'd like and if it is available, you may reserve it.

Each cabin has its own kitchen, bed, bathroom, shower, desk, and sitting chair. Everything you need to rest.

Are meals provided?

Wednesday's opening dinner is potluck. The main dish will be provided for you by Naomi. Each participant will have the opportunity to bring a salad, bread, or dessert to share. This cooking process for each of us is designed to create space for anticipation, gratitude, and compassion. We will have a silent dinner together.

Thursday's breakfast and lunch will be provided. If you have specific dietary needs, please let us know or bring what you need.

If you have dietary restrictions please note them on your registration.

May I access technology during the retreat?

Great question. The retreat center has excellent wifi and cell phone coverage. The cabins do not. 

An important component of this retreat is to get away from technology. To help ensure rest, there will be several no-technology timeframes suggested.

Tell me more about the grounds of GilChrist.

The GilChrist grounds are beautiful in every season. GilChrist's 67 acres are filled with rolling prairies, woods, trails, and plenty of natural beauty. We hope that you will be able to take advantage of them. Simple hiking gear is all you will need.

GilChrist's cabins and retreat center are handicap accessible.

Is this retreat faith-based?

Both Naomi and Lon come from a faith background. However, we'd like to use the language of inter-spiritual for this retreat. Inter-spiritual is the concept where a diversity of spiritual practices are embraced for common respect for the individual and shared aspects across a variety of spiritual paths. The curriculum we will be using leverages several spiritual backgrounds.

What do I need to bring with me?

Please bring what ever you need to rest. During our time together you may want to sleep, draw, journal, meditate, hike, or other elements of resting. Please bring with you want you need.

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