The Third Turn

Next Turn -- Wrong Person

Written by Mark L. Vincent | Oct 29, 2020 2:00:00 PM

Predictive Index has been a recent interest of mine, enough that I pursued Predictive Index certification as a means to better assist the talent management aspects of executive search and executive team performance. Going so deeply into this, I have had the chance to reflect even more on the Three Turns of Executive Leadership we are resourcing through Maestro-level leaders.
Why is this important? We need look no further than some of Profit Environment’s own documentation:
  • "Many companies cobble together employees without considering team dynamics, and they appoint leaders who might be excellent individual contributors but who lack the self-awareness and/or motivation needed to effectively inspire employees.”  
                    — Ultimate Guide to Talent Optimization p. 19
Or, we can go back in time just a little more and grab a couple of insights from the venerable Peter Drucker:
  • “Knowledge workers must take responsibility for managing themselves."
  • “Knowledge workers are likely to outlive their employing organization. Their average working life is likely to be fifty years. But the average life expectancy of a successful business is only thirty years."
  • “It may take some time to know the organization in which you belong. You must know as much as possible about yourself."
                    —A year with Peter Drucker, 52 weeks of coaching for leadership effectiveness, pp. 11-13
In the world of work:
First Turn: We hire people who are not yet adulting. If they cannot move past this stage, they will never become Artisans and master themselves, as Drucker himself notes. We end up with people in the First Turn who are unwilling to inhabit it.
Second Turn: We promote people who are not prepared to learn to lead. Perhaps they are becoming Artisans under the leadership of others, but they are not yet ready to live as Artists, bringing unique vision and inspiring others. We end up with Turn One persons in Turn Two roles.
Third Turn: People move from Turn Two roles into a Third Turn but are unable to build future value and foster succession and legacy that benefit our grandchildren’s grandchildren. If they have not yet mastered the art of leading the organization, they cannot become Maestros who lead into subsequent generations.
Did you notice Drucker’s words about the average business lasting less than the average working life?  Might it be that we destroy value by not working first to optimize our talent and the talent of others, systematically, deliberately, certain we cannot ever know enough, profoundly aware we cannot do it by ourselves and that we dare not postpone this critical work?
Maestro-level leaders seeks to reach out, lasso, and wrestle that future value, succession, and legacy into being. As you find yourself launching into Third Turn leadership and not wanting to remain a Turn Two person, let's talk about what is next for you.
-mark l vincent
Maestro-level leaders is a Design Group International initiative, with the next four-year cohort toward future value beginning in January 2021.  This blog and the Third Turn Podcast are key resources of Maestro-level leaders.