The Third Turn

My Content Pledge

Written by Mark L. Vincent | Nov 4, 2021 12:07:00 PM
In my annual revisit of the work I do compared with the work I intend to do, I came across the following diagram: 
The diagram came without attribution, and I have so far been unable to ascertain its origin. Spending some time with it, the diagram calls for something while leaving me troubled. 
First, the trouble. My content feeds (social media/blog/newspaper) are full of people showing what they found elsewhere as if it was their own idea, or opinions about the opinions of others, literally reporting about reporters. I've got to dig to find original thinking, creative content, and reflective or imaginative conversation. It's there, but with arteries clogged by puppies, dancing memes, and unthinkingly quick visual hits of seven seconds or less. 
Second, the call. I am privileged to be someone who has found the tight life focus in the above diagram. 
I love leaders who love leaders. 
This purpose gave rise to Design Group International, The Society For Process Consulting, and Maestro- level Leaders. This call fuels my ever tighter professional effort to be available for accomplished executives who know their stewardship is measured by their contribution to a world where their grandchildren's grandchildren will live.
I intend to continue growing as such a person. Expanding my awareness, deepening a synthesis of knowledge, and aspiring to a servant-hearted humility is a never-ending pilgrimage. So, I will continue emptying and re-packing my proverbial rucksack for continued travel. Revisiting this integrated and purposeful life each year, I keep thinning and deepening, reducing to the essence, often failing yet making progress.
Part of my continuing progress toward essential and purposeful living in preparing for 2022 is a Content Pledge. I'm making it to myself and for anyone who finds the fruit of my work published in a blog, a social media channel, or a fixed resource such as curricula, articles, or books.
  1. I will offer my own creative work. I will do the hard work researching, thinking, and writing. 
  2. I will fully note any source I use. When I cannot trace a reference, as with the above diagram, I will note that also.
  3. Anyone who collaborates with me gets full credit as a co-writer.
  4. The spirit of what I write will encourage, strengthen and build even when there is something to deconstruct or even critique.
  5. My responses to what others offer will be thoughtful and advance a conversation. No more "likes" or responding solely through an emoticon.
I've been moving in this direction for some months, already noticing the benefit of slowing down, reducing frequency, yet increasing length and substance of two-way communication. It also puts fresh air into life.
It really is fresh air! More flâneuring. More dining al fresco. More investment in friendship, more Zoom meetings with the sounds of breeze and birds leaking through the open window beside me.
Here is to far more of less!
Key resources for from Maestro-level leaders: