The Third Turn

Rounding Third and Heading Home

Written by Mark L. Vincent | Jul 14, 2022 2:42:00 PM

The Maestro-level leader experience is for executive leaders in their third turn. 

  1. First Turn - learning to lead self (often in one's 20s and 30s)
  2. Second Turn - learning to lead an organization and others (often in one's 30s-50s)
  3. Third Turn - learning to lead toward future value, succession, and legacy (often in one's 50s and 60s).

With lifelong learning at the heart of this, effective Third Turn leaders lean into learning what is next instead of tracking their achievements and expecting that they get to coast into and beyond the next turn.

Instead of:

  1. First Turn - I showed up for work, didn't I? Do I get a raise?
  2. Second Turn - I got the promotion. That means I know how to run this place.
  3. Third Turn - I'm looking to set this down. I shouldn't have to work so hard at this point.

we grow because:

  1. First Turn - I'm learning to master my tasks in this role. I'm learning so well that I'm bringing improvements others can build on.
  2. Second Turn - I'm learning to listen to others so that I can help them develop as we together develop this organization in light of its mission.
  3. Third Turn - I'm learning what it means to turn to a new level of entrepreneurship as we chart a course toward future value under the leadership of others who will succeed me.

Maestro-level leaders exists to serve this third level of growth. We work at future value, succession, and legacy on four levels:

  1. The job description of a Maestro-level leader
  2. The Maestro-level leader map toward future value, succession, and legacy
  3. A future balance sheet
  4. Articulation of the Maestro-level leader's leadership philosophy.

Through participation in a four-year cohort, Maestro-level leaders travel alongside a community of 6-10 people in this stage of executive leadership. We do this via monthly, morning-long meetings of the cohort, a quarterly 1.5-day retreat, and a monthly one-to-one with their cohort facilitator. Participants also receive the weekly Maestro-level leader letter.

We ask folks to plan for a four-year involvement. Good succession planning takes at least this much time! Yet, if they find a lack of value, participants can opt-out without penalty.

We are currently recruiting nationally for two new cohorts.

(1) Via our partnership with Christian Leadership Alliance. This one is especially focused on non-profit executives. This one begins in September 2022. The video, below, makes the introduction.


(2)For a 2023 cohort launch.

Who do we need to be talking to? You? Someone you know? So much value is lost when succession is in play. So many careers are tanked. Investment is needed just as when the organization was launched. We know how to facilitate the required learning and would love a conversation that links this critical need to a proven resource.

-mark l vincent