The Future - Reimagined

The Blank Space Between Chapters

Written by Kevin Eastway | Jan 6, 2023 6:21:28 PM
Ever notice that most books have 1-1.5 pages of blank space in between the chapters?
These blank spaces between chapters in a printed book, also known as chapter breaks, are used to visually separate different sections of the book and to signal to the reader that a new chapter is beginning. The purpose of these blank spaces is to give the reader a clear indication of where one chapter ends and the next begins, which can be helpful for keeping track of the story arc as we read.
In our world as fundraisers, we are always building on the story in between chapters. We are reflecting, networking, strategizing, co-laboring with colleagues, filling in the blank spaces, and waiting by the mailbox and praying. This type of work can be fun, it can be lonely, it can be life-giving, and it can thoroughly exhaust you and your team.
As we continue the thread of re-imagining the future, let’s turn our attention toward co-authoring the next chapter of our mission alongside members of our community. 
What is the world you and your team are trying to build? What story are you hoping to write together? Are your values and vision aligned? These questions should be thoughtfully considered, as they will guide us in creating our collective future.
How do we listen to our organizational history? 
As you think about telling the story of your organization and building the next chapters of that story, be ready to give a short/focused history. Who will you listen to in order to learn about the history of your mission? What are the unsaid things that you notice about culture shifts, audience dilution, mission drift or focus?  Where do you need to get curious? Think about it like listening to the first couple of chapters of the organizational biography.
What aspects of the story need some attention or ‘help’?
What has been done to course correct in your organization’s history? Where do you need willing collaborators to course correct in this moment of history? Who is helping you "shoulder the load" as the vision of your organization unfolds? Is there outside help that could help you up-skill your team? Helping others is a process of building on our collective story in an effort to make the world a better place. We can use this opportunity to be creative and imagine what the future could look like. How exciting is that?
How will our learning take hold in our organization as we build the next chapters of the story?
What shifts in the culture have taken place? Are there any re-imagined values or mission? What characters have come and gone in the story? What hurt needs healing, what problems are coming into view that need solving? What new practices need to be in place in order to take the vision into the future? Where (or who!) is clarity coming from? What would happen if your capacity to lead increased dramatically?
As you invite someone to participate in your organization as a fundraiser, what if you thoughtfully asked them to co-author the blank spaces between chapters alongside of you?
What if that led to creating a better future for your organization, for your supporters, for your team, and for you? A future that honors your values and aligns with your organizational vision, takes a new type of community and commitment as you imagine the future.
How can they can help make the vision a reality and share in the joy and burden of that work? What will you write, together, in that blank space as you try new way to raise money for a nonprofit you love? What shifts need to take place between chapters as you innovate fundraising strategies for the nonprofit board you serve on in your community?
We could be chapter-makers and story-shapers if we hold a vision for the future, value compassion and being intentional with our actions, and invite  others to join us as co-authors in creating something bigger than ourselves.
I've been noticing that great stories always include an invitation to participate in that story. And as we invite others into that story-shaping, everything around us changes.
May each of us be creative and compassionate as we invite, as we collaborate, and as we co-author the next chapters of the future, together.
PS - If you are interested in discovering the power of the blank space between chapters in your organization's story, we would love to walk with you!
From reflection, identifying areas that need attention or help, trust building, strategy and initiative creation, to co-authoring the next chapter with your community, we love to help leaders around the world learn how to build their mission and create a better future. 
May we all consider how new practices and increased capacity can lead to success and joy! For all.